Today marks the 7th birthday of our company. The organisers are from Operations. Originally, it is only an Operations function that every 3 mths we had. Since the timing is just nice, it is expanded to a company-wide event, indirectly making the organisers more stressed. But I wanna applaud their hard work put in for this event. The event was quite well done, given the fact that the organisers are doing it for the first time. It was held at Bora Bora Beach Pub near Palawan Beach. We all were allowed to go off at 5pm. Since I am driving, I drove a few of my colleagues to Vivo City where we took a tram to Sentosa. The evening is filled with catching up with each other, sumptous food and award-ceremony. Below are the winners :
Best Dressed Female : Hwa Ling
Best Dressed Male : Alvis
Natural Enemy of Environment : Mark (Coz he print a lot of FS n RS)
Everybody's Kaki : Me
Bottomless Pit : Zenn (Gan Ma)
Messiest Desk : Big Big Boss
Lol : Vishnu
Cafetaria : Lini
Basically, the night was great, the organisers did a very good job...juz one personal regret for me bah...What regret I wun say here coz i oreadi shared with Gan Ma...Btw, I sent Gan Ma n Intern to Woodlands MRT as (to my deepest regret) I dunnoe how to make my way back frm her hse, so dropped her there.
Way to Sentosa
Ferry Terminal
Palawan Beach
Our Birthday Cake
Group Photo
Mark...Horny or Drunk?
Managing Consultant Yeo aka Best/Most Appropriate Dressed Male for the nite
Me n Gan Ma...with our "Certs"