Saturday, January 27, 2007


Today is one of my malaysian cousin brother's wedding. So the whole family woke up very early to head off to Malaysia. Normally, only my parents and me will go Malaysia for any events but this time my older brother, his wife and my cute nephew went along with us. This is the first overseas trip for my nephew. Although he is only 7+ months old, he seems very excited and made a lot of sounds throughout the trip. (because he still dunnoe how to talk yet) This time I did not use my car as my brother is driving us in. His first time driving his new car to relative's side also. When we reach, my relatives asked me..." come ur car become black colour already? U go to change paint colour arh?" This is because my bro's car and my car belongs to the same model. Only license plate, type of saloon and colour is different only. So I need to tell is not my car is metalic gold colour one...

At around 6+ in the evening, we make our way to the huge ballroom where the wedding dinner is held. After parking our car at the carpark, we make our way to the entrance where I spotted the 新娘車. It is the new S-Class Mercedes in colour...front console all electronic thing is the car plate number...S55...At first I thought it is SSS or 555...According to my uncle, the car plate number is for Sarawak got S only and not JXX...hahaha...Cool plate number...Hope if i can get married...i wanna number 1 leh...dreaming dreaming...kekeke

Heard frm my uncle that this car cost RM$500,000...wah...buay tahan...just the car nia...plate number haven count...Anyway, below is a pic of the car i found on the web...

After admiring the car, we entered the ballroom...wah...100 tables...each table 10 persons...1000 invitations wor...During dinner, still got dances, volin performances, karaoke by relatives...Even got hire 2 groups of dancers to present several dance performance...排場真大哦!!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Major Disappointment

A piece of paper...
2 pieces of news...
A huge disappointment...
Did not expect that to happen...
I am not hardworking enough???
I am not good enough???
Am I too soft???
Or am I good to bully???
What should I do???
Look elsewhere???
Or stay and strive???
Why? Why did I land in such a state???

I am really feeling very unstable now...
Felt no sense of security and unwanted...
To stay or to go...this qns has been accompanying me to sleep these few days...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Record Breaking Day

Today marked a record breaking day for myself...why? Because I made 2 calls to 2 separate ppl who have left our company to ask them stuff abt our project. How ironic! They are supposed to be free from the "claws" of our project and yet I still called them. There can be 101 reasons to call them but I know that I should not be doing that. I think on the normal circumstances, people will start acting blur when you start asking them qns on a project that they used to do but these 2 consultants did not and I salute that. Ok,time to give them some recognition...Thank you MC and PL for not replying me promptly although you all have no obligations to do that.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Am I evil?

Hmmm...Out of curosity, I took the test that Tho has taken and post it on his blog...Got the Devil Card...

You are The Devil

Materiality. Material Force. Material temptation; sometimes obsession

The Devil is often a great card for business success; hard work and ambition.

Perhaps the most misunderstood of all the major arcana, the Devil is not really "Satan" at all, but Pan the half-goat nature god and/or Dionysius. These are gods of pleasure and abandon, of wild behavior and unbridled desires. This is a card about ambitions; it is also synonymous with temptation and addiction. On the flip side, however, the card can be a warning to someone who is too restrained, someone who never allows themselves to get passionate or messy or wild - or ambitious. This, too, is a form of enslavement. As a person, the Devil can stand for a man of money or erotic power, aggressive, controlling, or just persuasive. This is not to say a bad man, but certainly a powerful man who is hard to resist. The important thing is to remember that any chain is freely worn. In most cases, you are enslaved only because you allow it.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A place that is a little too similar

Today return to client's place to station coz need to use their environment for some testing...Think will be there for quite a few days bah until the testing is complete. It has been few months since the last time I stationed there during office hours ler...Last time was a total disaster, so today going back still have a little phobia of that place. Been very busy the whole day...but that is the "thing" about stationing at client's place...they never give you a peaceful life when you are there. But as compared to last time, it is much peaceful ler. Well, if we are having peaceful life, then we wun need to go there station also ler. Hope one day we no need to station there anymore and project gets more stable bah...Crossing my fingers...hehehe

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

台灣之行 (23/12/2006 至 29/12/2006)

台灣之行 (23/12/2006 至 29/12/2006)

今天早上,四點就起床了,因為飛去台灣的班機是凌晨八點鍾,六點就要check-in 行李. 除了老爸之外,哥哥,大嫂和宇樂都去飛機場送我們. 飛機八點零五分從新加坡起飛, 十二點十五分抵達桃園機場. 由于我們是跟旅遊團, 因為有几位團員忘了護照快過期了,因此無法進入台灣.所以在飛機場逗留了超過兩個小時, 誕誤了第一天的行程. 我們的台灣導遊是一位小姐, 叫小愛.
頭一站是淡水老街. 在這里, 我們買了几包鐵蛋, 試吃了當地的小吃豬血糕. 說起豬血糕, 它吃起來就像普通的糕點, 軟軟的, 並無腥味, 沾點花生分, 吃起來還不錯呢.
第二站是淡水漁人碼頭. 這里就是很多情侶會來的地方, 也是<<流星花園>>的外景拍攝景點. 在這里可以欣賞到美麗的淡江夕陽, 真迷人哦!
最後一站是台北最出名的夜市, 士林夜市. 因為時間的關系, 我們有二十分鐘去逛, 所以什麼都沒買, 只是走馬看花而已. 晚餐是在酒店吃的, 是國際自助餐哦, 有好大好大的鮮蠔, 應該有我的手掌一樣大. 每一卓還有一個火鍋, 可以煮生的食物. 吃飽後當然是回房間沖個熱水澡, 然後睡個好覺.

今天是平安夜. 早上起得有一點晚, 沒什麼時間享受我們的早餐, 所以塞了几個麵包在嘴里就到大廳集合, 準備出發了.
第一站是野柳風景區. 這里可以欣賞到許多大大小小不同的天然岩石因海浪的吹打而形成的有趣岩石, 例如女皇頭覃岩. 看完過後, 我們去野柳特產街買了一些飾品給我的朋友于同事.
離開野柳風景區, 我們前往九份. 由于在台灣, 今天是休假日, 台灣政府規定大型的旅遊巴士不可以上山, 所以我們只好搭乘公共巴士上山. 到了山上, 小愛便帶我們去”阿信的店”買九份的特產, 有麻糬, 果凍等等. 買完過後, 我和媽媽去<<張記傳統魚丸>>吃魚丸湯以及魯肉面和几個小菜. 吃完午餐後, 我們一團就乘達公共巴士到山下回我們的旅遊巴士. 離開了九份, 我們便開始了六個小時的車程前往花蓮. 一路上, 我們能看見到太平洋, 真美麗哦! 六個小時後, 我們抵達了我們今晚的旅店. 旅店是在一個很鄉下的地方, 附近只有一間7-11便利店和一家賣豆花的小攤位. 晚餐是在旅店的餐館吃的. 用完晚餐過, 我就在房間看電視, 而我的媽媽就去7-11買礦泉水. 聽說我的媽媽早晨五點多看到一些不該看到的”東西”. (還好, 媽媽回到新加坡才告訴我.)

吸取了昨天的教訓後, 今天比較早起床, 有充分時間享用我們的早餐了.
今天的第一站是太魯閣峽谷. 這里, 我們欣賞了燕子口和下車走了九曲洞. 太魯閣峽谷里的路是特別的窄, 有時只有一輛車能開過, 我坐在巴士里都害怕.
從太魯閣峽谷, 我們前往一間大理石工廠去參觀. 這里不只開採大理石, 也有開採玉以及<<貓眼玉石>>. 即然這里有那麼多的好玉石, 而且價錢也合理, 我當然要買一些回來送給大哥, 大嫂和宇樂. 當然有買一條給媽媽和我啦. 呵呵…買完玉後, 我們就在大理石工廠的一間餐館里享用午餐.
午餐後, 我們離開大理石工廠, 就前往<<曾記>>買麻糬, 果凍等等.買完後,下一站是到北迴歸線的地標那兒拍些照.
過後,我們到了台東的八仙洞,可是在下很大的雨, 所以我們都沒下車, 只好匆匆帶過. 過了八仙洞就是三仙台了. 為什麼取名三仙台呢? 這是因為台灣人相信八仙里其中的三仙在那兒逗留過,所以才有三個外島在那兒.因為他們相信神仙到的地方會有使陸地從海里升出來.在去旅館的途中,我們在一間海鮮餐館用了晚餐.(有一點難吃...)





下一站是中正紀念堂,里頭有Chiang Kai Shek 的雕像.過後,我們去了西門盯走走,並沒買到任何東西.有看中一雙皮鞋,但是價錢太貴了,結果打消了買它的念頭.逛完西門盯後,就去吃晚餐然後回旅館了.今天的旅館靠近石門水庫,里頭有spa, swimming pool等等.

今晚的旅館是Grand Hyatt Taipei, 就座落于台北101旁. 晚餐是在台北101的食閣吃的.

今天的早餐是在Grand Hyatt Taipei的餐廳吃的. 聽說一人份值約NT750. 貴吧? 還好是包括在我們的旅費里. 最讚的是它的蜂蜜是用真的蜂窩在那兒慢慢滴下來的. 強吧?
用完豐富的早餐後, 我們便起程去桃園機場回返新加坡了.

總得來說, 台灣佷好玩, 有很多好吃的小吃, 有很多天然美景, 天氣也很涼.
