Yet another OT day...
Today seems like another OT day for me. Going back to office and do work...Been having such kind of OT days quite frequently recently. Need to complete quite a bit of work in a fairly short amount of time. Pushing myself to expedite things up.
Today it is a first for me...first time opening our company's the end kicks off the alarm and the alarm guy gotta call me to tell me how to deactivate it. First time OT-ing alone...quite fun...Playing Jay's new album songs and singing to it loudly, makes me feel that I am not like OT-ing...Coz of that, I am able to achieve what I wanted to do today. Pack up happily at 5.30pm and head for home...First time able to see sun setting on my way home...but something juz destroy my day...
I have a habit of tunning to 933 during my journey home in the car. The DJ is reading out some sms by a listener to another person, asking that someone to wait for her while she sorted out what she gotta do. Then the DJ said something which direct hit on my soft spot...No matter how beautiful things are now, there are still ppl out there experiencing unhappy things or waiting for happiness, so treasure all the beautiful things you have now. I almost cried.
Back at home, watched this movie on cable toking abt our purpose in life. Want to achieve something great or just a simple life...I prefer the latter...